Prior conditions for installation :
- low-temperature heat distribution system, underfloor heating strongly recommended in new buildings
- high-temperature heat distribution system up to 65°C in retrofitting radiators
- pump installation indoors, outdoors or all or part
- very easy system to implement when a probe or well system isn’t possible
- indoor one-piece (suficient space in boiler room) COP of 4
- outdoor one-piece (in the garden close to the boiler room) COP of 4
- split-system (only for low-temperature, refrigerator condensor connections and JV the hydraulic heating module) COP of 4.4
Advantages :
- renewable energy
- doesn’t harm the environment
- high-performance and efficient machine, COP from 5.0 to 5.5
- non-polluting
- requires little space in a boiler roomnécessite très peu de place en chaufferie
- no storage space required
Disadvantages :
- extremely low outdoor noise rating
- electrical energy from hydropower plants (renewable energy - according to supply), thermal plants (polluting emissions) or nuclear
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